Dear subscribers,
Welcome to the final edition of SMART4ALL newsletter, marking the conclusion of our H2020 project that aimed at reinventing collaboration for boosting technology and business development in South, Eastern and Central Europe. Over the past few years, we have worked diligently to maintain and expand an extensive network of DIHs and offer opportunities (funding, coaching, advertising, matchmaking) and services (through SMART4ALL Marketplace) to accelerate digital transformation and increase digital skills in the industry and academia.
Over the past year, a deliberate decision was taken to issue targeted newsletters for each of the project's verticals: Digitized Agriculture, Digitized Transport, Digitized Environment, Digitized Anything. In this project newsletter edition, we reflect on remarkable achievements and milestones that reveal the impact and legacy of SMART4ALL.
Join us as we:
Join us by subscribing
to ESDALAB DIH NewsletterMarketplace as a Service
your one-stop-smart-shop for digitizationWelcome to ESDALAB Digital Innovation Hub
Your one-stop-shop for digitizing your organization and joining an expanding Digital Innovation Network

Targets both public and private sector by focusing on state-of-the-art business sectors such as agriculture, transport, environment & smart cities, industry 4.0, e-health & hospital 4.0 and ambient assisted living.
Provides novel services for testing before investing, skill development & training, supporting investment finding and networking with the local & European innovation ecosystem.
Offers cascade funding of 2,2 Million Euros via open calls in European consortia through Horizon 2020 SMART4ALL project. Business coaching to access public and private funding.
Access to the European ecosystem of DIH; via profile based matchmaking & partner search services you have access to an immense number of technological and business partners.
Digital Innovation Pillars
Application DomainsServices and Infrastructures
ESDALAB DIH offers offers business, technical, ethics and funding coaching services.Academia and industry
Collaboration with extended network of academic and business partner
Personalized business development services, training and matchmaking
Interconnecting and forming synergies amongst active and vibrant DIHs
Boosting e-Government via multifaceted knowledge share and services
Access to European innovation ecosystem and funding frameworks
Discover new collaboration opportunities leveraging AI based matchmaking
Policy makers
Collaboration with European policy makers; Alignment with European digital agenda
Access to state-of-the-art infrastructures, technological coaching and matchmaking
Network members
Application Domains
Get access to a toolkit for DIHs and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within their ecosystem!
A toolkit created to support Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) that want to help the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within their ecosystem in the adoption of industry for Customized Low - Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) solutionsDigital Innovation Hubs
Collaborations and AlliancesLatest News from the HUB
The second webinar addressed to (E)DIHs with the purpose of featuring a showcase around the Marketplace One-stop-shop platform, the opportunities and benefits that it offers to DIHs across Europe, was successfully held on March 21st, 2024, with the participation of 32 attendees.
We are excited to share one more domain-oriented newsletter, devoted, this time, to Digitized Environment and the news and activities related to this application area of SMART4ALL project.
Having finalized our on-site activities in the typical duration of the project, with a successful event in Tirana (Albania) focusing on Digitized Environment & Digitized Agriculture success stories, we invite you to dive into the achievements of SMART4ALL beneficiaries and partners in a domain that requires highly secure and scalable infrastructure and a set of microservices that facilitate the development of the IoT solutions.