Area overview.Digital Innovation for Environment & Smart Cities.
A digitized environment requires highly secure and scalable software infrastructure and a set of microservices that facilitate the development of the Internet of Things solutions and deployment of intelligent products yielding high computing capacity and low energy. Since there is a varied field of applications, the infrastructure should interact with very large number of devices and gateways with different protocols, manage different type of data, event processing, data analysis and data visualization. Especially in the context of circular economy where the main challenge is the optimal use of resources and minimization of wastes, the Internet of Things solutions and products would be a game changer.

Facts & Figures.Indicators for Environment & Smart Cities.
Digitized infrastructure, both private and public, needs to be monitored using the Internet of Things technology. Currently in EU, buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. About 35% of the EU's buildings are over 50 years old and almost 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient, while only 0,4-1,2% (depending on the country) of the building stock is renovated each year. Smart infrastructure has the potential to reduce significantly the cost imposed on municipal budgets by the unnecessary continuous maintenance and upgrading requirements of public and critical infrastructure systems requiring novel approach that can take advantage of devices and products offering high computing capacity and low energy.

Our mission.ESDALAB DIH for Digital Innovation in Environment & Smart Cities.
ESDALAB DIH invests on developing the digital skills of a wide ranges of people ranging from students to the elders. In order to support this transformation, ESDALAB DIH provides special tools for enabling the transition to digitized environment. ESDALAB DIH has developed Ambient Assisted Living House (AAL House), a real, fully operational house that includes the latest technologies and services related to digitized environment. AAL House is actually an open access platform that allows SMEs and slightly bigger companies to get acquainted with the latest technology standards and services, experiment and evaluate their products in a real digitized environment. In parallel, AAL House is used as a training platform for persons ranging from students to elders.