Area overview.Digital Innovation for e-Health & Hospital 4.0.
During the last years we are witnessing the transformation the traditional public health system to a new form where new digital services are employed. Personalized treatment and medicine are focusing on adapting the medical treatments to the specific characteristics of patients. In this way health providers develop therapies and interventions by taking into account the heterogeneity of illnesses and external factors such as the environment, patients’ needs and lifestyle. Towards this direction vertical and horizontal integration of patient data (mainly coming data coming from sensors on top of existing legacy systems) has a major impact on healthcare industry.

Facts & Figures.Indicators for e-Health & Hospital 4.0.
While access to Long-Term Care for Older Adults (OAs) populations is one of the social benefits that Europe takes pride in, this access is not optimal as some care services are underutilized despite the seemingly higher demand. Estimates stress a shortage of more than one million health professionals in the EU by 2022, and this is likely to reach two million if other employees in the healthcare sector are accounted for. For OAs, approximately 85% have at least one of high prevalence chronic condition such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson disease, arthritis, diabetes and obesity and 60% have at least two chronic conditions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 24/7 Health Monitoring Systems (HMS), caregivers search about Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that can remotely provide daily reports about the OAs.

Our mission.ESDALAB DIH for Digital Innovation in e-Health & Hospital 4.0.
ESDALAB DIH has long tradition in developing e-Health services both for patients and caregivers. In the new era, hospitals and e-Health services are integrated in a new healthcare paradigm: Hospital 4.0. Similarly to Industry 4.0, in Hospital 4.0 facilities the hospital is a center of healthcare services employing high end technologies such a AI, big data and IoMT. ESDALAB DIH actively supports this transformation by offering infrastructure, services and know-how for transforming the traditional caregiver services to personalized digital services that allow better and cost effective patient treatment, monitoring and support.