
Our Latest News in DIH activities

3rd Open Call on Knowledge Transfer Experiments

3rd Open Call on Knowledge Transfer Experiments

The 3rd and last SMART4ALL call of proposals on cross-border Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTEs) is now open!

KTEs comprises a novel type of short-term (3 months) internship projects focusing on the exchange of knowledge of CLEC (Customized Low Energy Computing) for CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) and IoT (Internet of Things), between two different entities from two different Countries: one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as Sending Organization and one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as Host Organization.

Consortia operating on the domains of Digitized Transport, Digitized Environment, Digitized Agriculture, Digitized Anything are highly encouraged to apply for a financial support of up to 8,000 €, to present, test and potentially find the fertile ground to grow their small projects or less mature ideas.

For submitting your application, please visit

Proposal submission deadline is June 15th, 2022 at 17:00 CEST.

Guide for Applicants and FAQs translated into local languages are available at SMART4ALL Application Kit and Webinars & Training courses respectively, here

Are you searching for a partner? Try the SMART4ALL Matchmaking Service.

Find out the projects and consortia selected on the previous KTE Open Calls here and read their testimonials.

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